Thursday, June 12, 2008

I did it....

Well after contemplating forever. I broke down and got Mally's hair cut. My mom is a hairdresser so she said she would do it.
I loved her long hair but she would fight me to brush it or put it up and as soon as it was up she would pull it up and then it would get all in her face which I hate and get all sticky and I felt like I was always washing it.
I am very happy with it. I think she looks so cute and I'll let it grow and maybe by the time it gets long enought to "play" with again she will be out of that stage. I can still put bows in it if I want or cute headbands.

It looks healthier now and since she doesn't want it up it looks healthier now and not all in her face.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Johnna, it's adorable! I've really been wanting to do that with Pippa's and nobody (i.e. my mom or dh) will let me :(

I love her dress, too! What a cutie!

A Christian Mom said...

I love it! I've been wanting to do Olivia's, too... but I don't want to lose her curls! When I got Emily's for the first time, she lost all the girls & it got so thick, so I'm afraid to do Olivia's, but you have me really wanting to now.

I like the dress to!

Kathy said...

She looks adorable! I wish Calliope had enough hair to do that!

Amy said...

That is SUPER cute!!!!