Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm THAT mommy!

Do you remember before you had kids and you would be in the store and see these kids running around and being loud and you'd roll your eyes and think that the parent needs to control their kids.....funny how rolls reverse isn't it?

Now dont get me wrong I dont let my kids run around like crazy or destroy things but like all kids they have their days. Today was one of those day. Our first stop was the dollar store. All I wanted to get was a few toothbrushes and some deodernt. Some how it took 20 min to get those few items and of course I had to get some other things. And then of course Mallory had to have a melt down where she threw her self on the floor. I could see the older lady at the register staring and whispering something to the girl she was waiting on. She always gives me looks when I go in there with my kids. So I pick Mallory up and try to calm her down. Well this kid doesn't calm down so easy. Well we finally get out of there and then I go to wawa to get my dinner. Well that was worse because both kids wanted candy and Mason was being loud and Mallory was crying, well screaming and my nerves were shot. People were making comments like "someone needs a spanking" and I said "no they are just hungry and tired". The lady at the deli counter smiled and said "Good luck mommy". Gee thanks. Ok so then off to mcdonalds for their dinner. I didnt go in but at the drive up Mallory is screaming "I want juice, I want to eat" and Mason is singing which is making Mallory even more mad and shes kicking at him and trying to grab him. I could barely place my order. I was never more happy to see the house when I pulled up. Things haven't really calmed down but at least I can sit here and try to block it out. I am counting down the minutes to 8.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

You know, before Landon I was one of those people quick to judge a "bad" child. My child is now the one hiding in the racks at the store or the one who is "singing" at the top of his lungs at times.