Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial weekend

Soooo, the weekend didnt go as planned. Today was nice and we really enjoyed fishing on the beach. I was so mad at myself for forgetting my camera though. That's what I get for being in a rush.

Well rewind to yesterday. We decided to cook out on the grill. We were all outside having a good time and the BIL decided to ruin our day. We've been having some drama going on because BIL blames Mason for his daughters behavior problems and the problems she has in school. Now just so ya know, Mason is never or hardly ever in trouble on the bus or in school. My neice is in trouble every day. She takes meds. But somehow its Mason's fault. Ok well yestereday he said Mason was yelling in his window. He didn't. We were all outside and he didnt go near the window. I am the type who hates to fight and never speaks up...until my kids are involved. It's putting it lightly when I said that I lost it. I don't even remember all I said because I snapped. He has degraded my son. Cussed my son out and called him names that no adult should say to a child. Eric lost it too. So then here comes my lovely MIL and what does she do? Takes BIL's side saying that it's my sons fault that Summer is in trouble on the bus and she knows we think hes all that but he's not. WTF??? Are you serious. Again I lost it and I think I called her every name in the book and some. We live on her land. Not for long. We are looking for a place ASAP and I want to be out of here yesterday. I can't stay around these people anymore. They will have nothing to do with my kids. I don't want them to talk to them, look at them, brethe near them. When we move they will never see them again. Eric agrees. No one will talk to my child like that and blame them for stuff they didnt do. I am done. It takes a lot to get me to the breaking point but when I get there I am done.

So that was my lovely memorial weekend. I am still very upset and angry and probably will be for a very long time. Every time I think about it I just break down in tears. I've never been this angry in my life.

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