Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Memory Keeper's Daughter..

No this is not a book review, although I did read the book about a year or so ago and it was awsome. It made me mad, sad and happy all at the same time. I couldn't put the book down and read it in just two days, which for me, is a big thing because I never read that fast unless i love a book.

Ok, so on to the point of this blog. I was flipping through the free movies on our on demand and saw that it was a lifetime movie too!! I was so excited. I was jumping up and down and sent the kids off to their room to watch tv and play and told them to stay (which for the most part they did..yay!) I asked Eric to watch it with me because I was telling him how great the book was,so he peeled himself away from the computer (which I know was hard to do) and sat with me.

Let me tell you, this movie was just as great as the book!! Sometimes I'm weary of movies after i've read the book because lots of times the movie ruins the book for me. But this just made it that much more better and the movie followed the book very well. I was surprised. And Eric loved it just as much and said it was a great story and now he wants to read the book!

I don't get much time to sit down and watch a good movie, so it was so nice to be able to tonight. A great way to end the day!

So if you haven't yet, go get the book and read, or email me masenmalmom@hotmail.com and I will send it to ya.

and if you have read it, watch the movie!! GREAT!!

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